Three More Options For Job Seekers To Build Their Online Presence

You’ve planted your resume on sites like Monster, Indeed, and CareerBuilder – and refreshed it on a monthly basis. You’ve created and tweaked your LinkedIn profile every time you come across a blog post on how to create “the perfect LinkedIn profile.” And you’ve uploaded your resume to job banks for every and any company you’re interested in that didn’t include a 45-minute assessment test.

You haven’t exhausted all your opportunities. Not even close. We’ve got a couple more for you to check out – some may serve your purposes, some may not. But any opportunity to be found by a hiring manager or a recruiter shouldn’t be passed up. And don’t forget if you haven’t uploaded your resume to our site, take the time to do so. We work with a variety of industries at different career levels. – Pick a nice background photo, your headshot, link your social media accounts and blogs, and come up with your Real Housewives tag line. That’s about it. It’s an option that fits more careers than others and could be viewed more as a place to gather all your social media accounts in one place. One reviewer described as “an online business card.” Spot on. – Takes a step further and displays your professional story in a graph-like setting. You can list your skills, places you’ve worked, and education in a choice of graphic presentations. If you hover your mouse over each entry, additional information appears in a floating window, so complete your professional profile. Users are able to link social media accounts and blogs at the bottom, and list your interests. Make sure to come up with a clever title to list underneath your name at the top. (If you feel the need to self-promote, you can download your profile onto a t-shirt.)


Google+-logoGoogle+ – Earlier this year, Google+ had 540 million members – compare that to LinkedIn’s 300 million members. Not only is there a ton of potential on Google+, but unlike LinkedIn, your profile is visible to anyone who uses Google – you don’t need to be “connected.” Access to features like Google Hangouts, the ability to post more than 140 characters of content, and joining circles and communities are worth expanding your Gmail account. Building a Google+ profile much like building a LinkedIn profile – its definitely worth the effort. Jorgen Sundberg, one of the founders of The Undercover Recruiter, has ten great tips on how to maximize your Google+ profile to build your personal brand.

Shameless plug: if you haven’t uploaded your resume to our website, take a moment to do that as well. NexGoal works with a variety of industries, placing our top, driven candidates in a host of roles.

Continue to be proactive in your job search, and take a look at these alternatives – or additions. Remember, there is no magic bullet in this process, so take advantages of every opportunity.

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