The Significance of Team Chemistry & How To Achieve It

Without team camaraderie and togetherness, a team will transform into a group of individuals all pursuing personal agendas. Recently, our friends at Nexxt laid out three of the top reasons that team chemistry is momentous in a company’s success and three steps to achieve it. We break down their key points below: 


When your team is on the same page, it will be easier to find success, and internal conflict will dissolve. Working together with a shared ‘end goal’ in mind will strengthen your team chemistry by default. When this level of synchronicity is established, your organization will reap quicker, more efficient results and positive developments. 


When the bond is strong between employees, experts suggest productivity will escalate company-wide. Your team will begin to learn and recognize each other’s work styles, capitalizing on strengths and confining weaknesses. A lack of team chemistry can result in an argumentative culture with employees more concerned about expressing their opinion than finding a solution. 


Feelings of anxiety, low morale, and detachment are among the top reasons for disbandment and a lapse of loyalty. When a company is marked by discord, conflict, and individualistic mindsets, employees will seek greener pastures. If you desire to limit company turnover and construct a desirable workplace, you must set a precedent through consistent encouragement, provided opportunity, and an emphasis on engaging relationships. 

“Only 3% of U.S. workers feel involved, enthusiastic, and committed to their work.” (Gallup)

Generating Team Chemistry in Three Steps

Facilitate Communication

One of the most straightforward steps to generating team chemistry is through open communication. Keep your office door or phone line open and present yourself in an inviting manner to the rest of your team. If you appear readily available to answer questions and address concerns, your co-workers and staff will begin to feel heard and valued for their efforts. If you are ‘closed off’ in conversation, other employees will be influenced to do the same. If employees are not coming to you, go to them to initiate conversation. Set regularly schedule 1-on-1 meetings to share company updates, goals, and give way for open discussion. 

Know Your Team

Every organization consists of varying skill-sets, personalities, and inclinations. Through your 1-on-1 meetings and company gatherings (virtual or in-person), you show intentionality in knowing your co-worker or employee beyond their resume’s content. Exuding this effort is a sign of authentic leadership. It promotes being a ‘work-family’ rather than a ‘workplace.’ Giving everyone their time in the spotlight can allow self-confidence and attitudes to flourish. 

Provide Opportunities to Learn

When you provide opportunities to learn and grow, it shows your team that you are thinking of them and that you value and want the best for them. According to Gallup, 87% of millennials list “career growth and development opportunities” as vital to them in a new job. With increased opportunities, employees’ “confidence, effectiveness, and reciprocation of loyalty” will soar.

Wrap Up

If you want consistent and valuable contributions from your team, you must identify their strengths and weaknesses and place them in a situation where you know they will win. It is a difficult task to formulate an effective team out of contrasting individuals. Still, it is critical in identifying you and your team’s sense of purpose in your respective careers. 

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