Every career has its stress points and no job will be completely without stressors. But there’s a point where that stress becomes overbearing and takes its toll on your psyche, leading to burnout. The World Health Organization describes burnout...
Self-management skills are defined as one’s ability to control their actions, feelings, and thoughts in a calculated and constructive manner in order to follow through on their goals and responsibilities. (GlassDoor) With many professionals continuing their careers in a...
What is mindfulness? The American Psychological Association defines mindfulness as “a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment. It is a state and not a trait.” A mindful individual is fully present and aware of their surroundings and reactions to...
Where does stress come from? The American Psychological Association reveals their top work-related examples: Excessive workloads Low salaries The nonexistence of a work-life balance The feeling of being undervalued and unappreciated Limited growth potential Unclear performance expectations A lack of...
“Individual commitment to a group effort: That is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” — Vince Lombardi It takes real leadership to establish a vibrant, uplifting work culture where your employees...