NexGoal is happy to announce its new partnership with The International Franchise Professionals Group (IFPG). We are thrilled to be working with their experienced franchise and business broker network. “We are excited about working with Kevin and his...
“Super Splash Day” or “Drizzlefest 2014?” Either way, NexGoal spent a soggy day out at the local ballpark. We also shared and liked some great content this week. A Cornell University study found that participating in sports paid off...
We’ve been held hostage for a few days this week in social and regular media here in Cleveland, but we powered through and found some great content to share on social media. The phone interview. Usually the first step,...
NexGoal co-owner Kevin Dahl will be in attendance for the annual PAFI (Professional Athlete Franchise Initiative) Franchise Summit, July 13-15, in Atlanta, GA. PAFI’s mission is to bring awareness to the professional athlete community through, education, research and interaction...
In addition to the NexGoal company page and our group, NexGoal-Athlete Career Services , the addition of three spotlight pages have enabled our audience to specify what type of content they are looking for while on LinkedIn. The social...