Steve Jobs once said that a small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players. The majority of companies would tend to agree with Jobs’ observation but many struggle to attract...
NexGoal continues to match our athlete-candidates with great roles in corporate America, including the recent placement of Dan Backler, a former collegiate swimmer at the University of Massachusetts with MioMed Orthopaedics Inc. Based in Chicago, IL, MioMed Orthopaedics Inc. ...
It’s a short work week full of national holidays here at NexGoal, but we still found some interesting things that we liked and shared. Here’s a quick roundup: More network coaching: The Daily Muse gave us two little words...
NexGoal recently placed Patrick Harrington, a former Ohio State University wrestler with WestPoint Wealth Management LLC. WestPoint Wealth Management delivers “comprehensive, state-of-the-art financial solutions to a select group of executives, business owners and other successful individuals and families who...
A pair of reports released to start January have indicated steady growth in both the manufacturing and construction industries. According to the December 2013 Institute for Supply Management’s Report on Business, economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded in December...