NexGoal To Join Fellow Athlete Franchisees At 4th Annual PAFI Franchise Summit

PAFI-LogoNexGoal will once again join fellow charter members, current and retired professional athletes for the Professional Athlete Franchise Initiative‘s Franchise Summit. This educational event, set for July 14-17 at Georgia State University’s Robinson College of Business, is an opportunity to learn about and network within the franchise community.

Kevin Dahl, co-founder and CEO of NexGoal, will join one of the panel discussions, “Understanding the FDD“ on July 15. As a former athlete and franchise owner, Dahl will be able to share his experience growing his franchise business and advise fellow athletes on the journey they will face.

“I’m very excited to participate on the PAFI panel in this area of franchising,” said Dahl. “This summit is a great event to educate athletes on the professional opportunities that the franchise world has to offer for athletes.”

According to PAFI, the Summit is designed to introduce professional athletes to the basic architecture of the franchise industry. During this multi-day conference participants learn the ins and outs of becoming a franchisee. This year, PAFI is launching more advanced learning sessions for athletes that are already in the business, focusing more on exposing athlete wealth and business managers in to the value that  the franchise model provides.

This year’s summit will include:

  • Franchise expo
  • Advance athlete franchisee sessions
  • Athlete and franchisor joint sessions
  • Interactive team building sessions
  • In-store operational tours
  • Networking mixers and receptions

“Athletes are perfect at following a game plan like the plan franchisors lay out,” Dahl added. “As NexGoal continues to expand, our business model is an alternative franchise that fellow athletes can succeed at and become involved first-hand in their own business.”


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