You might face multiple hiccups on the road to your dream job. A tough job market, an industry change, or a need for a new skill might see you pivoting for a bridge or temp job. Even if it’s not your ideal spot, a temporary job offers a world of opportunity and can help you grow for your next opportunity.

Don’t let a role’s transience make you complacent or feel like your career growth has been stunted. By approaching your temp role with a growth mindset, you can use this role as a jumping-off point to new heights.

Showcase the right attitude

There’s a difference between a temporary job in your eyes and a true temp job, with an expected duration. Whether you simply view it as a temp role or not, you should attack the opportunity like it’s your top choice. Even if the employer knows it’s a temporary opportunity, they still want someone enthusiastic about the role who will put in the effort.

Approaching the work with a positive mindset will better endear you to coworkers and managers, who can be valuable contacts down the road. It can also make the work more fulfilling. If you’re having trouble getting into the right headspace, PrideStaff says to think of yourself as an entrepreneur, taking your skills where they’re needed, trying new things, and picking up other roles if you want. You aren’t locked down; you’re a mercenary.


Sure, if you just need the money and the experience for the resume, you can show up, put in the minimum, and go home (metaphorically if remote), but it won’t help much when the temp role is over with. If you’re a team player and make the most of the opportunity, you’ll meet valuable contacts who can open doors for you further down your career path. In return, you can help them when you’re in a more established role.

Take initiative by offering to collaborate with colleagues, making their lives easier and getting face time. From there, make meaningful connections by asking insightful questions and trying to learn what you can. You’ll make the right impression and learn a lot, especially if it’s an unfamiliar role or industry. Just because you’re in a temp role doesn’t mean it can’t become permanent or that another role or department might take notice of you.

“By following these tips, you’ll showcase your value as an employee, making you a top contender for another contract or a potential permanent position when the opportunity arises. Remember, temporary work can be a stepping stone to a fantastic long-term career!” –Michael Page Employment Agency

Hone your skills

A bright spot of temp work is that it can provide you with the opportunity to develop or hone your skills. You can take courses and study new skills on your own time, but using them in a work context can tangibly show off what you’ve learned, and tying those skills to workplace accomplishments is a boon for your resume. Skills-based hiring is becoming more common, so use this temporary role to your advantage.

Various skills might be used in different ways. For example, many organizations use different applications for handling customer service inquiries. The more tools you’re experienced with, the more versatile and adaptable your skillset will be. Monster says that temp work can allow you to get your hands on more tools, applications, and systems to make you a more attractive candidate on top of developing new skills or ones you haven’t had the chance to show off.

“Showcase new skills, accomplishments, and industry experience that hiring managers love to see.” –Lensa

Embrace new opportunities

A temp job might not be your top choice. Even in a more gig-based job market, stability is still more comfortable in many cases. But knowing a temp job is only temporary might push you toward new things. You might try an unfamiliar industry to get your feet wet, or maybe you can develop the same skills you need for other roles in unique ways. Embrace the freedom and flexibility a temp job can offer and try new things.

Flexibility and open-mindedness are valuable skills for any role, but Staffing Network LLC says they’re especially important for temporary roles. You’ll work with different teams and try new programs, and, as a temp, you might be asked to tackle unfamiliar projects others are busy with. These experiences can make you a more well-rounded worker or open your eyes to new things you might enjoy if you keep an open mind.

Wrap up

A temp job doesn’t just have to be a stopgap. It can help prepare you for your next long-term role and introduce you to new people and ideas. If you approach this role with a positive outlook and absorb knowledge like a sponge, you’ll excel and be ready for your next chapter!

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