After you’ve passed the phone interview and landed the onsite interview, these days it is good to ask the question “function before fashion, or fashion before function?”
Depending on the industry, you may need to ask “what is appropriate to wear?” after you’ve set the date. If your interview is in an industrial setting, you may need to be ready to head out on the shop floor. “We’ve had candidates interview for manufacturing-based roles who were encouraged to arrive in business casual because they would be touring the facility,” said NexGoal business development manager Zack Wilhelm. “In fact, some of our clients have actually specified that the candidates come dressed for the job.” Clarify with the recruiter or HR representative when scheduling the interview what you should wear. This post from The Undercover Recruiter offers some additional tips.
Project coordinator Angela Berardinelli encourages her candidates from the get-go to do their research before any interview – on the phone or in person. By conducting a mini mock interview, she is able to make sure the candidate can answer the question and advise them on how the client would expect the answer to be delivered. “Stick to being able to explain in detail three aspects about the company,” Berardinelli adds, “Don’t try to list ten things that you saw on Google.” Being prepared and informed enables you to ask good questions about the company, such as what their future plans for growth are and where your career path with that company may take you.