There are only a few days left in 2017, so the content team at NexGoal wanted to take a look back on the year that was and highlight five great articles that you might have missed. With 2018 rapidly approaching, these articles can be applied to your career not only in the new year, but also in years to come!

Without further ado, here are five articles you might have missed:

“3 Reasons Why Employees Are Quitting At A High Rate”

This article takes a look at some of the most popular reasons that employees decide to leave a company in pursuit of “greener pastures.” On the employer side, understanding why employees leave your company is crucial. An article by Elle Kaplan of Lexicon Capital Management on mentioned that more than 1 in 5 employees are quitting their jobs and she provided eight reasons why this is happening.

We took a look at three of Kaplan’s reasons why employees quit their jobs and why they are important for both job seekers and organizational leaders to look for on the job.

“Managing Your Personal Brand In The Age of Social Media”

These days, social media has become all-encompassing. We find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through a variety of apps each day to get information or keep in touch with friends and loved ones. When it comes to the job search and your career, making sure your online presence portrays the right message is key. In this article we provided some tips on how you can manage your personal brand on social media.

“3 Ways To Get Ahead With LinkedIn”

We went back to January 2017 for this one, but LinkedIn can be a huge difference maker in your career. Although it may seem like a no brainer to have (and manage) a LinkedIn profile, many people still don’t have one. Proper usage could help you take your career to new levels and with these three tips you can do just that.

This was part of our “Three for Thursday” series. Should we bring this back in the new year?

“How To Manage Stress In The Workplace”

While the holidays are meant to be a time of joy, they can also be a time of stress as the year ends. Meeting year-end deadlines often results in a high level of stress for employees. While stress may be magnified during the holiday season, it is prevalent throughout the year in offices as well. This can take on many different forms resulting in many different effects on an employee, so proper management is key. In this article, we highlighted three tips that can be used as a starting point for managing workplace stress.

“Employers: Are You Using Social Media For Hiring?”

Thanks to the power of social media, hundreds, even thousands of industry professionals are available with the few clicks of a mouse. Since job seekers are utilizing various platforms to connect with professionals in their industry to gain some insight and look for jobs, employers should be utilizing social media to recruit! Is your company using any social media platforms in its hiring process?

Wrap Up

It is hard to believe that we will be in 2018 in just a few short days. Another year means more opportunities for career advancement and development. Thanks to our readers for their continued support! Stay tuned next week for our top five articles of the year that was!

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