One of the most sought after perks that job seekers want in a job/career is that of a healthy work-life balance. What does this mean? This increasingly popular phrase describes the balance that an individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. With the ever-changing technological landscape we can always be connected to our work, thus blurring the line between work and personal life.
Employers have taken steps to increase the work-life balance for their employees through options such as working remotely and flexible hours. However, the temptation to remain connected to work is often unavoidable considering how readily accessible it is thanks to laptops and smart phones. Because of this, how do we achieve a healthy work-life balance?
Our friends over at TopResume have some tips to help figure out this balancing act. You can read the full article here.
Drop Activities That Drain Your Time Or Energy
Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Believe it or not, we all get the same 24, but how you spend them differs. If you’ve found that you run out of time to accomplish things that you’ve set out to, then maybe it is time to evaluate your efficiency. Are you easily distracted at work thanks to Twitter notifications and Facebook messages? Joanna Ireland of TopResume suggests taking an inventory of activities that don’t enhance your life or career and minimize the time you spend on them. Additionally, learning how to say “no” will become a powerful tool to balance work and life.
Get A Move On
Not only is exercising beneficial for your physical health, but there are also benefits for your mental health as well. Studies show that exercising helps you remain alert, so find a way to exercise that works for your schedule. Maybe you are a morning gym-goer, or prefer evening walks around the neighborhood, either way this will help you get more things done because of the release of endorphins. This is a key component of boosting your energy and increasing your ability to concentrate. Working out is also a great stress reliever.
This is definitely one of the more challenging things to do. Leaving your cell phone or laptop for a few hours to “unplug” is not easy for a lot of people, in part to “FOMO” or the “fear of missing out.” However, being able to recognize when you need a break and say “enough” will go a long way. Many people scroll through social media or apps before bed, but the blue light emitted by the screen has been shown to keep you awake longer. Sleep deprivation leads to decreased performance and has a negative effect on health and well-being, so disconnected before bed can actually be helpful.
Find Time For Yourself
Some people are perfectly satisfied with always being on the go – the more activities in a day, the better. Others prefer to spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing. Whatever category you find yourself in, or some combination of the two, make some time during the day to do something just for you. We often put the needs of others before our own, but even just a few minutes for yourself a day will help you recharge.
Wrap Up
The work-life balance is a huge determining factor for job candidates considering a job and for current employees gauging their work place satisfaction. Contrary to some employer’s beliefs, life does not revolve around work, so having a healthy balance is critical. Achieving this balance is not always an easy task, but with the help of these tips (and four others) you can take the proper steps to a healthy work-life balance.
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