With the new year officially underway, many people are searching for new beginnings to embody the mantra “new year, new me.” One of the biggest changes people tend to make each year is starting a new job. This can be for many reasons, including job satisfaction (or lack thereof), salary and benefits, location, etc.

When looking for a job in the new year, it is common to look for some tips and guidance (check out our advice articles here). However, with the multitude of “advice” available with the few clicks of a mouse it is easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus. For those beginning, or even continuing, the search for a new job in the new year, our friends over at The Muse want to remind you of six simple job search tips that job seekers tend to forget.

We’ll look at three of these tips to remember when looking for a new job, but check out the rest in the full article here.

Remember That Your Resume (and LinkedIn Profile) Is Not a Tattoo

As we’ve mentioned in other articles on NexGoal, it is recommended that job seekers tailor each resume they send out to the specific job posting that they’re applying to. By doing this, your resume is more likely to stand out to those responsible for hiring at the company. If you send the same resume to each job, it will, believe it or not, hurt your chances of getting hired.

When it comes to your LinkedIn, you should constantly update it as well. Don’t be afraid to change the wording around and try out new phrases.

If You’re Not on LinkedIn, You Very Nearly Don’t Exist

According to the author of the article, Jenny Foss, more than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary search tool. That said, if you aren’t on LinkedIn you could potentially hurt your chances of finding a future job move. Even if you are on LinkedIn, but very rarely update it, you might as well be in the same boat as those non-LinkedIn users.

Thank You Matters

Two very important words, that are far too under-used are “thank you.” After every interview, you should be sending those individuals who you spoke with a personalized thank you note. While yes, it does take some time to write a note to each person, it goes a long way in the consideration process.  As Foss can attest, she placed a candidate in an engineering role who wrote personalized notes within two hours after interviewing, while his competitor did not. Guess who got the offer?

Wrap Up

As we enter 2018 with high expectations both personally and professionally, it is key to remember some of the simple job search tips. Since there is so much advice and guidance available for job seekers, it is easy to overthink the process and skip over the simple tips. Thanks to these six tips, advice on applying to jobs in the new year is easier than ever.

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