Coach’s Corner: Graduating In December Has Its Advantages

gFor those wrapping up the final months as a college student and heading out into the real world, a December graduation may seem nontraditional, but it does have its advantages.

The biggest advantage: a smaller pool of fresh graduates means less competition in the job market. Make a point to the hiring manager that you will be available immediately in comparison to those graduating in May.

Companies are also working with renewed budgets, many of whom have factored in hiring into those budgets. An influx of open positions and a fresh, new outlook on the upcoming year can only play into your favor. More hiring is done in January than December, so begin your search now and become a memorable candidate.

December marks a slow period of productivity at many companies due the holiday season. Hiring managers aren’t as busy during the end of the calendar year, so be proactive and reach out. You may also have a better chance conducting an informational interview with someone in your chosen field during this time. Additionally, the career services center at your soon-to-be alma mater won’t be flooded with visitors, so touch base and take advantage.

If you are graduating early, point that out. If your December graduation date is due to some extra time, point that out as well. Internships or additional coursework to earn a minor are definitely worth noting.

Don’t worry if you don’t find that first job out of college right away on January 1, 2014. Take advantage of opportunities like internships or gain more experience through volunteer work, but continue your search and develop your networking skills. You can also upload your resume into the NexGoal database. As a member of our candidate pool, your profile can be directly searched by our project coordinators as they work to fill current roles with our corporate clients, or search our job board for the positions that meet your career goals.

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