At some point in your career, you’ll need to communicate with someone powerful, whether that’s your direct boss, a company CEO, or a high-ranking hiring manager. From networking to job searching, you’ll need to learn how to handle interacting...
Many of us strive to go above and beyond in our work lives, whether for our own sense of satisfaction or a sense of duty to our peers. While putting in good work is admirable, the desire for complete...
When you’re searching for a new job, you’ll likely find conflicting options on how to handle your search. There is a ton of advice out there, but experts don’t always agree on every topic. And sometimes you’ll receive well-meaning...
A good leader can make a workplace much more efficient and create an environment filled with satisfied workers. Good leadership often comes down to being mindful of how you interact with your team and being aware of the environment...
At NexGoal, we strive to provide relevant and easy-to-use job search content on a variety of topics for everyone, no matter where they are in their career. In recent years, social media platform LinkedIn has become a powerhouse in...